School Council

School Council is the planning and decision making body of the school, School Council encourages parents to become involved in this process by becoming a member of Council sub-committees, attending council meetings, becoming a councillor. This shared commitment between parents and teachers gives Council a special energy.

Boronia Heights’ Constituting Order provides for a Council elected membership of 10 parent elected members, and 5 DET employee elected members. All members serve a term of two years with half the membership retiring on March 31st each year. Meetings are normally held on the fourth Monday of each month.

Our office holders are:

School Council President: Kerrie Bibby

Treasurer: James Burrows

Executive Officer: Mathew Anderton

School Councillors: Rachel Husar, Sarah Kiss, Stephen Geddes, Nicole Smith, Nicole Hoogkamer, Jake Barnes and Alexander Barnes

DET Representatives: Leah Hodgson, Kristy Foster, Lisa Baker and Kimberley Hindmarsh

The Community Hub

The Hubster’s work for the welfare of the school. The Hub’s main functions are fundraising and social activities for the community. This group meets on the third Thursday of each month. 

There are many ways for parents and carers to become involved in school activities and The Community Hub is one way in which you can participate, whilst making new friends.  A member of staff attends the meetings and gives a report and you are welcome to ask questions.

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