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Principal’s Report

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Welcome to Term 3

I hope everyone had a wonderful winter holiday break, with the kids recharged and ready to get into another term of learning and enjoyment.

As always, there’s quite a bit planned for the term so here’s a quick preview of what’s to come:

  • School production is on this Wednesday and Thursday evenings at the Besen Centre, Mt Scopus Memorial College in Burwood. The kids and staff have been hard at work all week preparing for what’s certain to be a fantastic show.
  • The Hooptime Basketball tournament is on this term for some of our senior students.
  • Our Prep children will celebrate 100 days of school with a special dress up day and a multi-age activity with the grade Preps, 1s and 2s.
  • The Year 2 students have an incursion from an education theatre company called “Proud to be me” which focuses on friendship, cooperation, tolerance, self-esteem and individuality.
  • The Year 5s will work with a local artist named Andrea Mclaughlin to learn about a range of artistic techniques that will inspire them to create their own art work.
  • The Year 5 camp is coming up towards the end of August, with the kids and staff going to Sovereign Hill to experience colonial life in the gold rush era of the 1800s.

All of these events are additional to the educational experiences our kids receive every day in their classroom, which are just as significant as the extra-curricula activities that happen throughout the year.

New footy jumpers

Last term you may recall I sent out a link to the school community inviting feedback about the school. We received some very worthwhile comments, and I appreciate everyone’s input which I have used to inform our school review. One of the comments I read was the school didn’t have a set of football jumpers, so together with Mrs Smith, I set about organising a sports clothing company to design and manufacture the school’s football jumpers. You’ll be pleased to know that the kids can now run out onto the ground sporting their new BHPS footy jumpers with pride the next time they play. Here’s an image of what they look like…


Upcoming changes to NAPLAN reporting

Ahead of NAPLAN results for students being released from Monday 17 July 2023, I’m informing you of some changes to this year’s reporting. These are changes being introduced nationally by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).

NAPLAN will continue to measure student achievement in numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, and grammar and punctuation but the results will now be presented in four proficiency levels:

These are:

  • Exceeding
  • Strong
  • Developing
  • Needs additional support.

This change will give schools, parents and carers clearer information that details your child’s achievement against new proficiency levels.

Students’ NAPLAN reports will continue to show how they are tracking against their peers and provide an indication of their skill levels against national averages and where we would expect them to be in order to get the most out of schooling. This provides valuable information to our teachers about how we can continue to support your child.

Each set of NAPLAN results is an important milestone but it’s also important that students know that one result does not define them – these results are about making sure every student gets the support they need so they can continue to get the best from their learning.

When we provide you with your results, you will also receive information about what the new proficiency levels mean.

As ever, you’re welcome to speak to me, or your child’s teacher with any questions about these changes.

Some news from the Department of Health: Stay well this winter

In Victoria, influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection numbers are high among children aged 5 to 11 years, particularly in those in their first few years of school. The Victorian Department of Health expects more respiratory infections over Term 3.

Most children with flu or RSV have a mild fever, runny nose or cough. Some children, particularly babies and children with underlying medical conditions, may have more severe illness.

Parents, carers and students are encouraged to:

  • wash and sanitise their hands regularly
  • avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing · stay at home if unwell and consult a general practitioner (GP) or NURSE-ON-CALL as needed
  • stay up to date with flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.

Our school has masks for staff, students and visitors if they want to wear them.

Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and your family from getting the flu. Annual flu vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and older. As part of the National Immunisation Program, it is free for:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and older
  • children aged 6 months to under 5 years
  • people aged 6 months or older with underlying medical conditions.

Flu vaccinations can be booked through GPs, pharmacies or your local council immunisation service.

Mat Anderton
Acting Principal

Achievements and Awards

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CARE Ticket Winners


Term 2 Week 8


Aria – Prep B Izzy – Prep D
Jayden – 1D Blake – 2C


Ben – 4A Blake – 4A
Hudson – 4B Tarrant – 6B

Student of the Week

Term 2 Week 8

Prep A Jason Prep B Sophia
Prep C Koby Prep D Zara
1A Savannah 1B Ryan
1C Kirra 1D Myla
2A Billy 2B Edmund
2C Fletcher 2D Matilda
3A Evie 3B Eshan
3C Tiana
4A Kodi 4B Logan
4C Isaac
5A Qianna 5B Lani
5C Jacinta
6A Jayden 6B Madelyn
6C Luke  
Monet of the Week Sportsperson of the Week
Inventors COG Award German Award Blake 4A
Maestro of the Week German Award Klasse 2A



Fill your cup with Kindness

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Year 6 are kind collaborators 

Year 6 students have been working in groups to create a themed party idea. Students were able to respectfully communicate, collaborate and complete outstanding projects and present these to the Year 6 cohort successfully. Recognising individual’s unique strengths and contributions, reinforced a positive working environment.

Here is what some of the students said…

I enjoyed seeing other group’s presentations and creative ideas.

I enjoyed coming up with a theme and creating elements that went with the theme.

I like the idea of planning for a real-life party.

I enjoyed presenting with my group.

Fun to organise the party and stay within a budget.


Jodi Wheeler

Year 6 Team Leader

Dates to Remember

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Term Dates 2023

Term 1 30 January – 6 April
Term 2 24 April – 23 June
Term 3 10 July – 15 September
Term 4 2 October – 20 December





July 14 Face to face assembly
July 19-20 The Amazing Adventures of SuperStan Whole School Production

at Besen Centre, Burwood

July 24 School Council meeting via webex
July 28 Year 4 Art Incursion
July 28 Prep 100 Days of School Dress Up/Activity Day
July 31 Year 2 Proud to be me Incursion
August 1 Year 5/6 Cyber Safety Incursion
August 4 Face to Face Assembly
August 4 Production DVD Orders Due
August 11 Year 5 Artist Incursion
August 15 Year 5 Immigration Incursion
August 16 Year 4 History Incursion
August 18 Face to face Assembly
August 21-23 Year 5 Sovereign Hill Camp
August 21-25 Book Fair/Week
August 25 Book Character Dress up day
August 28 School Council meeting via webex
August 31 Father’s Day Stall
September 8 Face to Face Assembly
September 11 Year 6 Photo Day
September 13 Year 2 Maths Day
September 15 Last day of Term 3 – Early dismissal at 2.30pm
October 2 First day of Term 4
Nov 6 Curriculum Day


From the Office

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COMPASS – How to Fill Out the Code of Conduct


Prep 2024 Enrolments

Boronia Heights Primary School is now accepting enrolments for students commencing school in 2024. Enrolment Forms are available at the office or on our website. To secure your child’s enrolment, please submit your application as soon as possible. Applications must be submitted by Friday 28th July. If you have friends and family who are wanting to enrolment their child for 2024 please let them know to get their enrolment in as soon as possible as places are filling fast.

Secondhand Uniform

We have tubs of secondhand school uniform available outside the Chaplain’s Office.

Name Your Belongings

We know you treasure your uniform and books. Please remember to label all uniform, books and belongings coming to school. Like most years, we have had an incredible amount of lost property through the year. The majority was unnamed, along with illegible tags. We would love lost items to boomerang back to your kids.

School News

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Production Rehearsals

Here are a few photos of production rehearsals happening around the school.




The Hubsters

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BHPS Market Night is a great night!

The Hubsters will be running another Market night this October and we are looking for Market Committee Members who can help bring it together.
Meetings will be a mix of WebEx and face to face.
No experience necessary.
Please contact Leia Barrett via the BHPS Hub facebook page here.
With such a success last year, this year is going to be BIG!!

Chocolate Drive

Opt Out notices were sent out this week and are due back on Tuesday 18th July. Thank you to everyone for supporting this fundraiser. Again all monies raised will go towards the children’s playgrounds. Thank you to Yvette Willison and our office staff for making this happen.

Father’s Day Stall

Preparation for the Father’s Day Stall is well underway. Thank you to Melanie Snibson and team for your amazing effort and time.
Leia Barrett and Leah Hodgson
Boronia Heights Hubsters






Community News

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