Principal’s Report

“The Amazing Adventures of Super Stan” Production
What an incredible two nights we had last week for the school production of “The Amazing Adventures of Super Stan”. The whole school community was in awe of the talent on display, with our students putting on a spectacle the likes of which I haven’t experienced in my career in education.
From the very first auditions in October last year to the moment the curtain went down on Thursday night, it was clear that everyone involved poured their hearts and souls into this production. The show’s success is testament to the importance the Boronia Heights PS community places on The Arts.
On Wednesday night I had the chance to go backstage to see the show in action. What I noticed was how supportive our Year 5 and 6 students who had main cast roles were to the students performing on stage. They cheered (albeit very quietly) and gave High 5s when the kids finished their items, and even danced and sang along during the performance. Any one of the main cast could easily have filled in any of the roles – that’s how good they were. I want to send a special mention to Cooper Lowerson (playing Frank “The Crumblie”) who ended up taking on two roles at once on Thursday night after one of the lead roles became unwell and couldn’t perform. He was so good that it wasn’t obvious to the audience that he was acting both roles.
Our biennial productions provide a platform for our students to explore their creativity, build self-confidence, and discover new talents. Beyond the actors and actresses on stage, our school productions involve many skilful hands including set designers, costume creators, tech crews, and costumers all working together harmoniously like a well-oiled machine.
We are so lucky to have a passionate, dedicated and talented performing arts teacher in Mr Simon Fox. His expertise in directing and mentoring our young actors and performers was evident in the confidence and skill the kids displayed on stage. Mr Fox has an incredible ability to coordinate every component and bring so many moving parts together into a harmonious whole. The school community is greatly appreciative of his work.
To the many people who helped put the show together, on behalf of the school I say, “Thank you”. Extra-special mentions must go to parent volunteers Leia Barrett, Bec Moussa, Gina Gaglio, Len Simpson and Stephen Geddes who helped with sets and props, costumes, backstage coordination and lighting. Your assistance was invaluable.
I’d also like to give special mention to Mrs Lynda Hunt who made all the raffle prizes and souvenirs which raised $1000 for the school. Words cannot express how amazing you are!
Congratulations to the winners of our raffle.
1st Prize | Mason 6B |
2nd Prize | Kip 1B |
3rd Prize | Ms Kett |
4th Prize | Imelda Prep B |
5th Prize | Evie 2A |
6th Prize | Kayder 4C |
7th Prize | Zavier 4C |
We look forward to 2025 when we put on our next school production.
Weeding Bee
On Monday 31 July, the Buildings and Grounds Committee is holding a short Weeding Bee from 3.00-3.30pm, before school pick-up. We are asking for volunteers to help us rid the school of weeds, one section at a time. We aim to have the garden beds surrounding the senior basketball court and between Block A and Block B weed free. If you could bring the implements that you may need (gloves, buckets, trowels etc) we would be grateful as the school only has child sized gloves etc. We will be on hand to show which are weeds and which are plants if you are not sure.
We hope to see many of you there, many hands make light work!
Looking after our neighbours
I’ve received some messages from our neighbours who have had a few issues with people parking across their driveways and onto their nature strips during school drop off and pick up times. I can understand their frustration, so I’d like to remind everyone to please look after our neighbours by respecting their property. The residents of Montana Ave have raised some concerns about people blocking driveways on basketball training nights. If your child trains with the Boronia Buffaloes and you happen to use Montana Ave, can I please ask that you be conscious of the residents of that street by ensuring they are able to come and go from their properties.
All the best to Mrs Weichert
I’d like to pass on my congratulations to Mrs Sarah Weichert and family as she begins maternity leave, with her baby due to be born in a few weeks. Mrs Weichert has been teaching Grade 3C this year alongside Ms Hindmarsh. She will be replaced on Wednesdays and Thursdays by Mrs Megan Levey for the remainder of the year. We can’t wait to see Mrs Weichert and her new baby boy when he arrives.
Chocolate Drive
Families who chose to participate in the Cadbury’s Chocolate Fundraiser should have received their box on Wednesday or Thursday. I’d like to thank you in advance for helping raise money for the school. This is a major fundraiser for the year, and we are extremely appreciative of your support. Just a reminder that all money must be returned to the school by Friday 25th August.
Have a great week!
Mat Anderton
Acting Principal