Principal’s Report

Local Kinder visit
On Monday morning, we welcomed children and educators from Alchester and Colchester kindergartens for a joyous music celebration. Our junior and senior choirs, along with the school band, came together to display their incredible talents in a performance for the young visitors. The students dedicated their lunchtimes each week to group rehearsals, fostering their passion for music and honing their musical skills.
A heartfelt appreciation goes to Kate Wardlaw for providing our young students the chance to shine in the Junior School Choir, and to Simon Fox for his unwavering commitment to our senior students in both choir and band. Witnessing the delight, engagement, and inspiration on the faces of the kinder kids as they watched the performance was truly special.
These moments hold great significance for our school community, strengthening our bonds with local kindergartens and enhancing the transition between them and our school. A sincere thank you to Colchester Pre-School and Alchester Pre-School for visiting our school.
Remembrance Day
In commemoration of Remembrance Day last Saturday, we had six children from our school participate in the Knox Remembrance Day Service held at the Tim Neville Arboretum. The following children and their families should be commended for their commitment to serving the Knox community: Charlotte and Madison T, Mitchell W, Indigo R, Sarah M and River R. These students sang the Australian National Anthem in the Knox Primary School’s Choir, and by all reports did a phenomenal job. We are all very proud of them.
Student Book packs
Just a reminder that the ordering details for the student book packs went home a few weeks ago. Orders placed before 12th December to COS will be delivered to your home by 24th December and receive free delivery. All students require their books for the first day of school. In addition to their books students also require a sturdy set of headphones, library bag and art smock for the first week of school. Please name your child’s belongings clearly.
Christmas Concert night and Raffle
We are looking forward to welcoming our school community to our Christmas concert on Tuesday 5th of December. The evening will begin at 6pm and should go through to around 7:30pm. Our very talented students will be performing on the night in grade items. You are most welcome to bring a picnic dinner on the night, however, please note that NO ALCOHOL is allowed to be brought into and consumed at the school. In the interest of keeping our school clean, we ask that all rubbish be taken home with you at the end of the night.
The Community Hub will have once again organised a Christmas Raffle, with all tickets selling for $1 each. This raffle will be drawn at our Christmas Concert night. There will be 3 major prizes. Raffle tickets will be sent home next week with your children. This is our final fundraiser for the year, and we thank you in advance for your continued support of our school.
Have a great week,
Mat Anderton