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Principal’s Report

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Student Leaders in 2025

Last week I was lucky to hear from twelve year 5 students who presented for school captain in 2025. They all did such an amazing job and I, along with the year 5 teachers, specialist teachers and APs, were extremely proud of their bravery in putting themselves forward for a leadership role. We have now finalised our process for selecting our 2025 Student Leaders. It was a very comprehensive process, and I would like to congratulate all the students who were involved. It was wonderful to see the students standing up in front of their peers, teachers and leadership delivering well-prepared and rehearsed speeches. The hard part was selecting the students for the positions as the calibre of students who applied was so high – we could easily have given school captain roles to all twelve kids. These children are a credit to themselves, their families and the staff at our school.

It gives me great pleasure to announce that our 2025 Student Leaders are:

Christmas Concert night and Raffle

Just another reminder to say that we are looking forward to welcoming our school community to our Christmas concert on the Tuesday 3rd of December. The evening will begin at 6pm and should go through to around 7:30pm.  Our very talented students will be performing on the night in grade items. You are most welcome to bring a picnic dinner on the night, however, please note that NO ALCOHOL is allowed to be brought into and consumed at the school. In the interest of keeping our school clean, we ask that all rubbish be taken home with you at the end of the night.

The Community Hub will have once again organised a Christmas Raffle, with all tickets selling for $1 each. This raffle will be drawn at our Christmas Concert night. This is our final fundraiser for the year, and we thank you in advance for your continued support of our school.

School Council update

As the year draws to a close, I want to express my sincere gratitude to our School Council members for their exceptional contributions to our school community. Their dedication, passion, and tireless efforts have truly made a positive impact on the school and our community.

I would also like to extend a special thank you to the school council members whose terms are expiring in 2025: Kerrie Bibby, Alex Barnes, Stephen Geddes and Jakes Barnes. Their commitment and valuable insights are appreciated not only by me, but the entire council. I look forward to them nominating for school council again next year.

Communication with School Staff policy

Effective communication is a very important part of what we do. We want our teachers and leadership to be responsive to enquiries from parents and carers in a timely manner. In saying this, it’s also important that our staff have a work-life balance and not feel like they are “on the clock” all the time.

On August 26 this year, the Fair Work Act 2009 was amended to include the right of Department employees to disconnect from communications after work hours. According to the Act, an employee can now “refuse to monitor, read, listen to or respond to contact unless this refusal is considered unreasonable.”

What this looks like at BHPS is that if you contact a staff member outside of work hours, we will do our best to respond to you during work hours within two days for a general query or 24 hours if it is more urgent. Also, due to classroom commitments, teachers will most likely respond before 9am and after 3:30pm. There is some flexibility with this as it depends on a teacher’s non face-to-face time.

I am currently developing a Communications with School Staff policy which will explain to parents and carers who they should contact at the school for common questions, and the timelines and processes about how we will respond. I will share this with School Council and update the community once it has been developed.

Have a great week.

Mat Anderton

Dates to Remember

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Term Dates 2024

Term 1 29 January – 28 March
Term 2 15 April – 28 June
Term 3 15 July – 20 September
Term 4 7 October – 20 December

Please note that these dates can be found in your Compass Calendar.


15 November Assembly
15 November Prep Firefighter Visit #2
18 November Instrumental Showcase Concert 6pm
19 November Colour Explosion Run 2.30pm
20 November Year 5 Surfing Excursion
21 November Year 6 Surfing Excursion
22 November Year 5/6 Money Talk Incursion
22 November 2025 Prep Information Session 2.30pm
29 November Assembly
3 December Christmas Concert
4 December Year 6 Big Day Out – Luna Park
5 December Year 5 Market Day
6 December Last day of Library books to be returned
9 December Year 6 Graduation
10 December Prep Transition No4 of 4
10 December State-wide Transition Day Year 1-6
20 December Last day of School. Dismissal at 1.30pm


Term Dates 2025

Term 1 28 January – 4 April (students start 29 Jan)
Term 2 22 April – 4 July
Term 3 21 July – 19 September
Term 4 6 October – 19 December


Student Free Dates 2025

Term 1 Curriculum Day – Tuesday 28th January
Term 2 Curriculum Day – Thursday 24th April
Term 2 Curriculum Day – Tuesday 10th June
Term 3 Teacher Professional Practice Day – Wednesday 3rd September
Term 4 Student-Free Day – Monday 3rd November
Term 4 Curriculum Day – Friday 19th December



28 January Curriculum Day
29 January First day for Years 1-6
4 February First day for Preps
4 February Swimming Trials (Years 3-6)
14 February District Swimming (Years 3-6)
19 February Classroom Helper Course 1 of 2
26 February Classroom Helper Course 2 of 2
28 February Whole School Photo Day

School News

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Do you have any Library books at home to return?

Here is the link to check your child’s library account:!dashboard

You can also access our Library through our school website using this link and clicking on the Library Access link:

When you follow the link you will see our guest webpage. This is full of information, activities and new books to explore. You can also see a search bar where you can enter any book titles, topics, authors or series to find books of interest.

To log in as your child and view their loans and due dates, click on guest in the top right corner.

Your child’s Compass login is their library login. Ie BEN0099 and passwords are as follows:

Prep – 2 – school

Grades 3-6 – Boronia

Once logged in, click on your child’s name in the top right corner. Click on My Borrowing Details to bring up current loans and history.

Please return ALL Library books no later than Friday 6th December, ready for our end of year stocktake. If you have any lost books, can you please pay the $10 replacement fee at the school office to have the book removed from your child’s name.

Thank you everyone and a special thank you to our Library captains for your hard work in 2024, Will, Eden, Tayla and Jackson!

Have a fabulous and safe Christmas break and we look forward to 2025!


Mont De Lancey

As part of the Year 2 ‘Past and Present’ Inquiry Unit, we visited the Mont De Lancey Historic Homestead on Wednesday 13th November. Students, teachers and parent helpers dressed in traditional clothing and everyone looked amazing!

Students explored the beautiful gardens and observed many historic buildings and artifacts, bringing the 1880s to life. They crafted lavender bags, peg characters and even made their own skipping ropes. Everyone, including the teachers, had fun on the billy carts and participated in a thrilling tug-of-war contest.

Stepping back in time, students entered an olden day style classroom where they had to sit up straight and write with chalk on small blackboards. They also learned about the strap—and thank goodness everyone behaved!

My favourite part of Mont De Lancey was the old-fashioned school because we got to use chalk on a blackboard – Charlotte 2A

My favourite part of Mont De Lancey was watching how they made a spinner out of wood – Sam 2B

Our favourite part of Mont De Lancey was the olden days school because we got to learn what students were taught back then – Chloe and Emily S 2C

Achievements and Awards

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CARE Ticket Winners

Term 4 Week 6


Jack – Prep A Winter – Prep D
Zoe – 1A Malachi – 1C


Jasmine – 5C Jasmine – 5C
Jackson – 6B Jackson – 6B


Care Award Winners – Term 4 – Engagement

Week  Year Level Name
Week 4 Prep Evelyn
Year 1 Brax
Year 2 Marnie
Year 3 Zippi
Year 4 Tiana
Year 5 Isla P
Year 6 Jenson
Week 6 Prep Amelia
Year 1 Hamish
Year 2 The Whole YEAR Level
Year 3 Sammy
Year 4 Jasmine
Year 5 Evie J
Year 6 Isla
Week 8 Prep Phoebe
Year 1 Lucas B
Year 2 Mason
Year 3 Emily J
Year 4 Samara
Year 5 Harvey
Year 6 Cale


From the Office

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School Saving Bonus

Parent and carer School Saving Bonus code distribution 

The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.

From Tuesday 26 November 2024, you will receive an email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code.

The School Saving Bonus will help families cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions, activities and more.

If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.

Parents and carers can use the School Saving Bonus code in store at school-nominated suppliers. Parents and carers can also choose to access the School Saving Bonus online system, where they can allocate part or all the $400 bonus to use at school nominated-online suppliers or for school activities.

To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, visit School Saving Bonus | ( A step-by-step user guide will be available on the webpage on 26 November.

If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code via email by Friday 29 November, please contact the Department of Education by emailing

Please note Schools $400 bonus cannot be allocated to the student stationery.

Name Your Belongings

We know you treasure your uniform and books. Please remember to label all uniform, books and belongings coming to school. Like most years, we have had an incredible amount of lost property through the year. The majority was unnamed, along with illegible tags. We would love lost items to boomerang back to your kids.

Sports News

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5/6 Surfing Excursions

Last week our Year 5 & 6 students were given the opportunity to participate in a learn to surf and beach safety water program at Smiths Beach in Phillip Island. It was my first time experiencing a surfing excursion and I can see why the school has been using this approach for their water safety lessons for the older students for such a long time! The knowledge they gained about rips was really clear and understandable. And then the excitement and pride that I saw on the students’ faces as they rode (or attempted to ride) the waves was very special! We can’t wait to offer the opportunity to the Year 5 & 6 students again next year. Thank you to all the parents who made sure their kids were at school at 7:15am for our early departure. Also, a big thank you to the handful of families who swapped their excursion attendance day so that we could even out our numbers. Our staff also did a great job of organising the first aid, getting to work nice and early, and then assisting the surf instructors with helping the students get moving on the waves.

Shae Warren
Physical Education Teacher and Sport Co-ordinator

The Hubsters

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Colour Explosion Run

A huge thank you to Amy and all the volunteers for their help! It was a fabulous day and the children (and many adults) had a ball. The amount raised is still to be confirmed (we are waiting for the final figures from the fundraising company). At the conclusion of assembly on Tuesday 17th December will be SLIMING time! We will make an announcement at school to let the children know whose name was drawn to do the sliming!!


Christmas Concert

Look out to buy $1 raffle tickets for three awesome hampers at the Christmas Concert. Tickets available on the night only. Please bring cash.

Leah Hodgson

Boronia Heights Hubsters







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Community News

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