Prep – Year 6

In Prep we begin our students learning journeys by fostering independence and a love of learning. We start by using our synthetic Phonics program to learn to read and write. We count each day that we're at school and love to then celebrate our 100 Days at School. We learn about animals to help with our information report writing and get to experience fun incursions and excursions to support our learning. We make learning each day hands on and fun and the personal and academic growth is amazing.

Meet our Early Years Staff

Year 1 is an exciting year of growth and change! Students take on a lot more independence and responsibility for their learning and huge gains are made in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. There is a big focus on student individuality and wellbeing. Students are provided with a stimulating environment that allows them to feel safe to further develop their strengths and explore their interests and passions.

Meet our Early Years Staff

In Year Two, there is a focus on continued academic growth as well as developing a sense of independence and fostering new friendships. We have many exciting incursions and excursions throughout the year to support our classwork. This includes observing real butterflies in the classroom, a trip back in time to Mont De Lancey Homestead and getting up close with a variety of different animals, which are a big highlight for all the students.

Meet our Early Years Staff

In Year 3 at Boronia Heights Primary School we implement a curriculum which is interesting, motivating, and most importantly purposeful.

We follow the CAFE reading program which focuses on common reading strategies including comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary. Throughout the year we practice these skills through reading a variety of genres and well-known literature from celebrated authors.

Our writing program follows the VOICES model with a focus on genres including narrative, explanation, persuasive, information report, poetry, and Writer’s Notebook. Year 3 students consolidate their previous knowledge by adding more complex writing principles to their pieces.

Students engage in a comprehensive and hands-on approach to numeracy. Foundation knowledge is applied to more complex problem solving and mathematical equations. Year 3 students participate in daily fluency (warm ups) to fill prior gaps in knowledge and support and extend all students at their point of need.

Each term our inquiry units are integrated throughout all aspects of our learning to make deeper connections to the concepts taught.

A highlight of the school year is the Harvest to Table program which runs from May to December. Students are given the opportunity to grow, harvest and prepare nutritious, seasonal, and delicious food whilst developing life skills, problem solving abilities and fostering an understanding of sustainability.

In addition, Year 3 students engage in a variety of incursions and excursions including Yoga, Athletics, Swimming, and Space Day.

Meet our Year 3 Staff

In Year 4 at Boronia Heights Primary School we have a strong focus on building relationships and developing resilience while striving for academic excellence. In Term 1 we have a camp to Phillip Island and engage in on-site camp activities including archery, pedal karts, giant swing and the flying fox. This is complemented by a visit to the Nobbies and a night at the Penguin Parade. Our Berry Street games are a highlight in our daily routine where students play games that foster an inclusive learning community and encourage team work and persistence. Other incursions and excursions occur termly and include a focus on the Sciences and History. Our comprehensive Bike Education Program is run by qualified Year 4 teachers and is always a hit with our students!

Meet our Year 4 Staff

In Year Five, we pride ourselves on administering an extensive, exciting and broad curriculum. As the first year of Senior School, we place emphasis on further developing the social-emotional capability of our students, supporting them to be resilient, engaged and interested learners.

Following the CAFÉ Reading Program, we continue to focus on the main reading strategies necessary to be confident and mature readers. As many of our students come to us as independent readers, we direct energy into consolidating prior knowledge, reading a variety of genres and asking questions before, during and after reading. Tools such as dictionaries are used to learn new and genre specific vocabulary and to continually build that bridge between reading and writing.

VOICES is used as the guide for our writing program. Throughout the year we teach the structure and craft of narrative, persuasive, explanation, information report, response, historical recount, procedure and poetry. Our writing program is enhanced by other parts of our curriculum delivery, such as excursions, incursions and camps. Writer’s Notebook is a highlight, affording students opportunities to generate, develop and engage in their own writing ideas.

The Year 5 numeracy curriculum is bursting at the seams! Whilst students continue to consolidate their understanding of prior learning and efficient strategies, learning new concepts is also a priority. Following research, we acknowledge that everybody learns numeracy differently, consequently, we teach fundamental mathematical concepts in different ways. Students are extended and supported by individualised programs suited to learning needs. Regular conferencing and small group work gives students further opportunities to strengthen their understanding of concepts and strategies.

During each term we focus on an Inquiry topic. These topics include adaptations, health, gold rush and immigration, and business and economics (marketing). Inquiry is taught as part of the broader curriculum and as such is woven throughout.

Our extra-curricular activities include an excursion to The Melbourne Zoo, Year 5 camp to Sovereign Hill, Market Day, and numerous incursions throughout the year.

Meet our Year 5 Staff

In Year 6 at Boronia Heights Primary School, our focus is on nurturing independent learners who are prepared for the years ahead at secondary school and beyond. Skills in communication, collaboration, independence and organisation are at the forefront, with students participating in various activities and events, such as our Toastmasters program and Survivor challenges, to develop these skills. 

Student leadership also a major focus. All students in Year 6 are seen as leaders within the school, and as such, are encouraged to take initiative and exemplify the school values. Opportunities are provided for students to nominate for a range of titled leadership positions, enabling them to engage in their school community with purpose and giving them voice in decision making across the school.

Students attend an exciting four day camp at PGL Campaspe Downs Adventure Camp which is considered a highlight by many students. They participate in a range of activities such as canoeing, flying fox, ropes course and archery, developing initiative, confidence and teamwork skills.

Additional events, including interschool sports, occur throughout each term. The year concludes with a Graduation Ceremony and a ‘Big Day Out’ to celebrate the successes of the year.

Meet our Year 6 Staff

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