Visual Arts

Visual Arts at Boronia Heights Primary School is a creative program designed for students to explore, create and respond to art. Over their years of primary school students learn appropriate terminology to discuss art works and begin to gain an awareness of ways ideas and feelings are explored and developed in their own art forms.

The Visual Arts program is developed according to the requirements outlined in the Victorian Curriculum. Students learn about artworks from different cultures and time as inspiration to create their own visual art. They explore and use a wide variety of materials, techniques, technologies and processes specific to particular art forms.

Our art program is integrated with topics learnt in class ensuring students are making connections to all aspects of their learning. Each year level is involved in collaborative art projects helping students develop their teamwork skills and communication with their peers. Our art program provides tasks that require problem solving skills where individuality and creativity are valued.

Students enjoy having their artwork displayed across the school and celebrated through our ‘Monet of the Week’ Art Award. Upon winning this award, artwork is hung in our prestigious ‘Hall of Fame’ for our school community to view and an artist profile of the winner is created by the Visual Art Leaders, this is displayed alongside the piece of art. Each year Boronia Heights Primary School purchases a winning artist’s work to be displayed at the school for years to come.

In the Junior Years, students explore Visual Arts. They make and share their artworks with peers and become aware of whom artists are. Students build their confidence and creative skills using a wide variety of techniques and materials. They learn resilience when applying new skills and focus on using their imagination to develop a unique point of view.

In Year 5, outstanding artists from our school are invited to attend an extension program in which students travel to the National Gallery of Victoria to view an exhibition. Students also immerse themselves in the art culture of Melbourne by visiting renowned sights such as Federation Square and Hosier Lane.

Each year, our Senior students are involved in creating a permanent monument in the school ensuring their creativity and legacy becomes part of our history. Senior students are also responsible for developing the front cover to our Boronia Heights Year Book. A great opportunity for students to see their work published in a professional format.

Boronia Heights holds an bi-annual Art Show to celebrate the amazing talent of our students. This night consists of displays from every year level and interactive community art projects for the whole family.

Students of all ages are encouraged to attend Art Club at lunchtime to further explore their skills and creativity. This program runs at various times throughout the year and is enjoyed by many students.

Boronia Heights Primary School provides an environment for students to explore and build their passion for creativity. At Boronia Heights Primary School every child is an artist!

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