Principal’s Report

Classes in 2024
Teachers have been working on the 2024 classes for many weeks, and I’m pleased to say that grade lists have now been confirmed for next year. This is a very difficult task that requires a lot of careful consideration, particularly when there are many parent requests that we try our best to factor in.
In 2024 we will have 23 classes – 4 x Prep, 3 x Grade 1, 3 x Grade 2, 4 x Grade 3 all other year levels have 3 classes. Our enrolment numbers are expected to increase slightly next year to 510 students.
Staffing 2024
As typically happens every year, teachers look for opportunities or promotions at other schools, take extended leave, have babies, and even try a career change. Next year is no different for us, although I will say that there have been a lot more babies amongst our teaching staff than I would normally expect!
Here are the staff members we are saying “farewell” to:
- Mrs Taylah Smith has recently given birth to her baby boy, Albie, and will be taking family leave for all next year.
- Mrs Sarah Weichert and Ms Allanah Searles will continue their family leave after having their babies in September and October.
- Ms Sajani Gammampila is due to have her baby in January and will therefore be on family leave next year.
- Mr Carlos Milan will be taking paternity leave for the first four weeks of term 1, with his baby due to be born in the next week or two.
- Mr Simon Butler has accepted a position at Lyndhurst PS to be closer to home.
- Miss Georgia Antoniou will be taking up a teaching position at Heatherton Christian College.
- Mrs Mirella Irving has accepted a promotional position as Learning Specialist at Narre Warren South P-12 College.
- Ms Jessica Lane is moving to Horsham and will look to take up a teaching position in that area.
- Ms Eliza Hansen is moving to the UK for 12 months so she can explore the world of teaching in another country.
- Ms Ellie Stait will be exploring other career opportunities.
I’m excited to welcome the following staff members who will be joining us next year:
- Mrs Kirsten Lighfoot is joining the Year 3 team as team leader. Kirsten is currently teaching at Essex Heights PS in Mount Waverley.
- Ms Lisa Maxwell is also joining the Year 3 team. Lisa is currently teaching at Upper Ferntree Gully PS.
- Mrs Narissa Farrell is joining the Year 6 team. Narissa is currently teaching at Yarra Road PS.
- Mr Shae Warren will be teaching Phys Ed next year. Shae is currently the PE teacher at Courtenay Gardens PS.
- Mrs Lisa Reiner will be joining the Year 5 team as team leader. Lisa has done CRT work for us this year, so it’s great to have her with us in a more permanent capacity.
- Ms Amber Carr will be joining the Year 1 team. Amber is currently working at Regency Park PS.
- Charlie O’Neill and Holly Paris will be joining us as part of our ES team.
To those staff who are leaving us, I’d like to thank them for their commitment to the students and community of Boronia Heights. I wish them all the very best as they move on to other schools or job opportunities. To those people joining our school, welcome to a fantastic learning community. We look forward to working with you.
Farewell to our 2023 Year 6 Students
The Year 6 students attended their Graduation Celebrations last Monday afternoon. I’d like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to these exceptional young people who are embarking on a new chapter in their educational journey.
To our Year 6 graduates, you have accomplished so much during your time at Boronia Heights PS. Your hard work, determination, and unique talents have not only contributed to your personal growth but have also enriched our school community.
As you prepare to transition to secondary school, remember the friendships, experiences, and lessons that have shaped you along the way. You are a remarkable group of young individuals, and I have full confidence that you will continue to excel and make us proud in the years to come.
A special thank you to the dedicated teachers, supportive parents, and everyone who played a role in nurturing and guiding these students. Teamwork truly makes the dream work, and your collaborative efforts have contributed to the success of these children.
The organisation that staff and parents put into celebrating the end of year graduation is huge. I would like to thank staff and parents who have worked with absolute passion and enthusiasm to support our graduation day. I have never seen a group of parents so invested in making the graduation ceremony as special as it was. Hours and hours of time and effort went into creating the “Disco” themed event. Thank you to our parent committee who have supported Year 6 staff and Vicki Cook for her leadership and organisation for the day.
BHPS Artist Legacy Award
Every year a BHPS artist is awarded the Artist Legacy Award. This student is chosen from our Monet of the Week award winners. Their artwork is purchased by the school to keep on display as inspiration for future artists to aspire to.
Our winning recipient for 2023 for this award goes to Luke Beggs from 6C for creating an incredible Elemental Mask using Modroc, cellophane, felt and paint.
Congratulations Luke.
Christmas Concert
A very special congratulations to all of our students who performed in our Christmas concert, singing their hearts out with their amazing collection of Christmas songs. A huge thank you to Mr. Fox and classroom teachers who worked with their students. I’d also like to send a special “Ho Ho Ho” to Santa who so graciously came down from the North Pole to pay us a visit. Good on you Santa! Thanks to everyone involved, for your involvement and your participation on the night it was great to have our community altogether.
End of year message
As this is the last newsletter for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for making this school the amazing educational environment that it is. I am very fortunate to be the Principal of this wonderful school.
All students will be dismissed from the front of the school on the netball court on Wednesday 20th December at 1:30pm. School will resume for students in Years 1 to 6 on Tuesday 30th January. Preps will complete assessments and interviews at the beginning of the year and will attend school full time on Monday 5th February.
Have a safe and Happy Christmas with your loved ones and take some time to enjoy some quality time with your family. I look forward to 2024, as we have many wonderful plans already in place. We are indeed a very fortunate school and have many things to be grateful for, thank you to everyone for their partnership and support and time that you have given to the school, whether it has been in fundraising, parent helper, gardening and grounds support or going on excursions, we have thoroughly enjoyed the time and effort that you have given.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Have a great week,
Mat Anderton