Principal’s Report

Classes in 2025
After many weeks of planning, trial and error by the teaching staff, I’m pleased to say that grade lists have now been confirmed for next year. This is a very difficult task that requires a lot of careful consideration, particularly when there are many parent requests that we try our best to factor in. Teachers also factor in friendships, academic balance, gender balance, learning support needs and historical information. The fact that we’ve only made a handful of changes mean the teachers did a great job of creating new classes.
In 2025 we will have 22 classes – 4 Prep classes and 3 classes for all other year levels. Enrolment numbers are expected to increase slightly next year to 515 students. I would expect this number to stay fairly stable over the next few years, if not increase by a small amount.
Staffing in 2025
As typically happens every year, teachers look for opportunities or promotions at other schools, take extended leave, retire, have babies, and even try a career change. Next year is no different for us – we are welcoming some new faces and saying goodbye to some as well.
I would like to thank the following staff who we are farewelling next year:
- James Dean has accepted a teaching position at Orchard Park Primary School.
- Carlos Milan will be teaching at Boroondara Park Primary School.
- Narissa Farrell will be continuing her teaching career at schools in the Outer Eastern suburbs.
- Jake Blennerhassett will be teaching at Somers School Camp and enjoying some travel in the first half of the year. I’m sure we will see him back at BHPS sometime soon.
- Annette Siegersma will be ending her role as reading tutor, which she has been doing while Kate Wardlaw went on maternity leave. Kate will be returning to this role next year.
- Lucy McDaid has made the decision to retire at the end of the year. She has been with us for 10 years running small group reading intervention and supporting students and teachers in the classroom. Congratulations Lucy on an amazing career in education!
I’m excited to welcome the following staff members who will be joining us next year:
- Ruihong Lu is joining us as the STEAM teacher. Ruihong is currently teaching STEM classes at Boronia K-12 College.
- Felicia Choo is joining the Year 1 team. Felicia has recently graduated from university, so it’s exciting to have her begin her teaching career at BHPS.
- Michelle Ohia is joining the Year 4 team. Michelle is currently teaching at Mulgrave PS with 20 years of experience in education – 15 as an early childhood educator and 5 in a school setting.
- Emily Barr has recently joined our school in the Education Support team. Next year we are also welcoming Ashleigh Alexander, Shae Robertson and Caleb Bergamo to the ES to provide support to children and teachers.
I’d also like to welcome back Sarah Weichert, Kate Wardlaw, Taylah Smith and Elise Rule who are all returning to teaching following the births of their children.
To those staff who are leaving us, I’d like to thank them for their commitment to the students and community of Boronia Heights. I wish them all the very best as they move on to other schools or job opportunities. To those people joining our school, welcome to a fantastic learning community. We look forward to working with you.
Recent media coverage
The events of last week in relation to the reported “Stranger Danger” alert understandably caused a great deal of distress in the school community. The media coverage over the following days created some additional anxiety amongst the students, staff and parents. I would much rather our school be promoted in a far more positive light and seen for the great work we are doing. Sadly, events such as these are important in creating community awareness, so as much as I don’t want our school on the news under these circumstances, I get why it was a story of significance.
As this is an ongoing Police matter, I’m unable to comment on the incident as I don’t want to jeopardise their investigations.
What I will comment on is how, as a school community, we are responding to it. Firstly, our teachers have spoken with the children about what they can do if they find themselves in a “stranger danger” situation. These include:
- Always walking directly to and from school and avoid making stops or side trips along the way.
- Avoid walking alone – whether it’s with parents or friends, always try to walk in a group.
- If there is anything that makes a student feel uncomfortable in any way, they should leave the area and report any concerns to a responsible adult.
- Avoid talking to strangers – students should walk away from anyone they do not know and tell a responsible adult what happened.
- Avoid getting into cars, even if a student thinks they know someone in the car, unless the student has been told that someone known to them will pick them up.
- Details of incidents are important but should only be recorded, filmed or written down if it is safe to do so.
Our school gates open at 8:30am, and our grounds are supervised by teachers from 8:45am. My strong advice is that if you must drop your child at school before 8:30am, enrol them with OSHCClub. Do not allow them to wait outside the school grounds unsupervised as this increases the risk to their safety enormously. Once children are inside the school grounds, they must remain inside the grounds until they’re dismissed at 3:30pm. Please reinforce this with your child.
With support from School Council, over the school holidays we are installing 30 CCTV cameras on the outside of the buildings. They will not be installed in classrooms or sensitive areas of the school such as near toilets. Not only will these cameras help Police in security related issues, they will also assist with our duty of care obligations to prevent and manage incidents in the yard. We will follow Department of Education and Training policy requirements for the design, installation, management and use of the CCTV systems. This policy is available at: CCTV in Schools – Installation and Management.
Hopefully these steps will help keep our kids safe while they are at school. That’s what we all want.
Farewell to our 2024 Year 6 Students
The Year 6 students attended their Graduation Celebrations on Monday afternoon. I’d like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to these exceptional young people who are embarking on a new chapter in their educational journey.
To our Year 6 graduates, you have accomplished so much during your time at Boronia Heights PS. Your hard work, determination, and unique talents have not only contributed to your personal growth but have also enriched our school community.
As you prepare to transition to secondary school, remember the friendships, experiences, and lessons that have shaped you along the way. You are a remarkable group of young individuals, and I have full confidence that you will continue to excel and make us proud in the years to come.
A special thank you to the dedicated teachers, supportive parents, and everyone who played a role in nurturing and guiding these students. Teamwork truly makes the dream work, and your collaborative efforts have contributed to the success of these children.
The organisation that staff and parents put into celebrating the end of year graduation is huge. I would like to thank staff and parents who have worked with absolute passion and enthusiasm to support our graduation day. I have never seen a group of parents so invested in making the graduation ceremony as special as it was. Hours and hours of time and effort went into creating the “Wonka” themed event. Thank you to our graduation committee who have supported Year 6 staff and Vicki Cook for her leadership and organisation of this special day.
BHPS Artist Legacy Award
Every year a BHPS artist is awarded the Artist Legacy Award. This student is chosen from our Monet of the Week award winners. Their artwork is purchased by the school to keep on display as inspiration for future artists to aspire to.
Our winning recipient for 2024 for this award goes to Chloe Silvester from 6C for creating an unbelievable embossed foil chameleon. I’d encourage you to check it out when you walk through the admin area next time. It’s very impressive.
Congratulations Chloe.
Christmas Concert
I am looking forward to another special community event on Tuesday afternoon when we get together for the end of year Christmas Concert. The weather is looking pretty good at this stage – 24 degrees and no rain! In preparation for the event, I’d like to say a huge thank you to Mr. Fox
and classroom teachers who have worked with their students. They’ve been waiting patiently for their time to shine, so I’m sure it will be a great afternoon. As the event kicks off at 4pm, the kids are most welcome to come to school dressed in Christmas attire if they choose. We will be finished by 6pm so that families who are attending the Alchester Pre-School Concert can make their way next door.
End of year message
As this is the last newsletter for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for making this school the amazing educational environment that it is. I am very fortunate to be the Principal of this wonderful school.
All students will be dismissed from the front of the school on the netball court on Friday 20th December at 1:30pm. As a special assembly will be held at 12:50pm to present the Term 4 Principal Awards, introduce the 2025 Student Leaders and send off the Year 6 students in style.
School will resume for students in Years 1 to 6 on Wednesday 29th January. Preps will complete assessments and interviews at the beginning of the year and will begin full time on Tuesday 4th February.
Have a safe and Happy Christmas with your loved ones and take some time to enjoy some quality time with your family. I look forward to 2025, as we have many wonderful plans already in place. We are indeed a very fortunate school and have many things to be grateful for, thank you to everyone for their partnership and support and time that you have given to the school, whether it has been in fundraising, parent helper, gardening and grounds support or going on excursions, we have thoroughly enjoyed the time and effort that you have given.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Mat Anderton