BHPS Market Night is a great night!
The Hubsters will be running another Market night this October and we are looking for Market Committee Members who can help bring it together.
Meetings will be a mix of WebEx and face to face.
No experience necessary.
Please contact Leia Barrett via the BHPS Hub facebook page here.
With such a success last year, this year is going to be BIG!!

BHPS School Disco
Chocolate Drive
Thank you so much to all the families who have returned their Chocolate money. We appreciate everyone for supporting this fundraiser. Again all monies raised will go towards the children’s playgrounds. Thank you to Yvette Willison and our office staff for making this happen.
Father’s Day Stall
Preparation for the Father’s Day Stall is well underway. Thank you to Melanie Snibson and team for your amazing effort and time.
Leia Barrett and Leah Hodgson
Boronia Heights Hubsters