Yarning Circle Update

This week our Yarning Circle met together during lunch to continue their work on our School’s Acknowledgement to Country. There will be a visual display which includes the words of the Acknowledgement in our front office for all of our school community and visitors to our school to see. Vanessa Murdoch (EACH) and Angela Thurbon (Knox Council) came with wood burners for the students to complete a drawing of a symbol or image of their choice on small wooden plaques. Some of the childrens’ pictures included birds, landscapes and possums. These wooden plaques will then be incorporated into the visual display to represent each of our school community’s First Nations families. Tara Henstock has also been talking with students from all classes on the new wording of our Acknowledgement to Country, what it means as well as creating a piece of artwork with contributions from all students which will also go up in the office. I’ll keep that bit a surprise!

It’s been great seeing food drive items being placed under the Christmas tree in the foyer, ready to be handed over to CHAMPION. They have already expressed their thanks for all donations and they look forward to giving them to families in our local area. Please be mindful of how hard this time of the year can be for some families, not only financially but also other tensions and stresses, especially as we approach Christmas. Showing kindness and thoughtfulness to all who cross our path can go along way. As I tell the kids, smiles are free!


Sarah McIntosh
Student Welfare





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