A warm welcome to 2023 from my desk. I do hope your child is settling well into school this Term and that they are connecting with their teacher, friends and learning. It has been a smooth start for most of our students, after what have been a few bumpy years.

Each school newsletter I will be sending through some links and information about activities that are being offered to parents, carers and their families that you may be interested to know about. Many of these activities provide opportunities for you to connect to local services and supports that can help you be the best family that you can be. We all know that it takes a village to raise a child, and some of us need this village more than others, especially if we do not have many family or other supports in place or if life throws us a curveball. I also will send through links to articles that I have come across that I think might be helpful with our parenting.

Have a great weekend and happy reading! ?

Sarah McIntosh
Student Welfare


Different Journeys provides support and connection to families who have a teenager or young person with Autism. Check out their website for upcoming events. They always have something on, not only for children, but also for their parents.


The direct link to their events is https://my.differentjourneysautism.com/events

Camp Kiah provides therapeutic camps and respites for children and young people who display behaviours of concern or emotional dysregulation. For more information, check out their website:


Siblings Australia https://siblingsaustralia.org.au/ offers support to the siblings of children and adults with a disability.

Satellite Foundation https://www.satellitefoundation.org.au/ offers opportunities for creativity and connection for mental health and wellbeing. They support children and young people as well as their families.

The Embrace Hub https://theembracehub.com/ is all about innovative, engaging body image resources to inform young people, parents, educators and sport coaches. This is part of the work that the 2023 Australian of the Year, Taryn Brumfitt. See the film and take the pledge!

ParentZone (Anglicare) provide support and information to families and their children. Take a look at their Term 1 newsletter for all the parenting events that they are holding, many of them online, along with those of other groups and agencies in the Eastern region of Melbourne. https://www.anglicarevic.org.au/about-us/newsletters/eastern-parentzone-term-1-2023

The Conversation publication recently put out a good article on what we can do when our child comes home saying that they’re not loving their teacher or their class.






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