Using Technology for learning support in Prep

This term in Prep, we’ve been actively incorporating iPads into our learning routine through the Get Epic! app. This interactive program enables students to select books of their interest and listen to a narrator read the book fluently. They can also expand their vocab and explore word meanings within the stories. In Mathematics, we’ve introduced Mathletics, allowing students to listen to questions and respond accordingly.
Additionally, our Cyber Safety lessons have been invaluable. Students have learned never to share passwords except with trusted adults. We’ve also referred back to the STOP acronym to manage strong emotions while using iPads at home: Silent (refrain from texting, typing, or talking), Tell an adult – they’ll give you support, Out – just quit the game, and Play something else. The students have thoroughly enjoyed these lessons, especially the engaging songs that go along with them.

Ayla’s favourite part about using the iPad at school is when she can listen to the same book at the same time as her friend.

Noah’s favourite part about using the iPad is using another app called Teach Monster and finding all of the new sounds in the new worlds.

Miss Laura McHugh

Prep Team Leader

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