A big shout out to our wonderful community for their enthusiasm and support of our recent events!

The Market Night was a huge success. It was fabulous seeing so many of our community enjoying the event. Thank you so much to Leia Barrett and Joh Schaap for their huge effort in co-ordinating and organising of the night. Thank you also to our awesome parent helpers and staff for setting up and manning the school stalls. Well done everyone. We raised an incredible $7,500.

On Thursday we held our first Colour Run. How much fun did our kids have getting covered in colour (I think our parents and helpers enjoyed throwing colour at them just as much). I hope your cars survived the trip home. Our thanks goes to Tracy Vervoort who organised the entire event – Great job! Money raised so far is $4,300 with the number still rising.

All funds raised will go towards updating our playgrounds. Thank you again to our wonderful BHPS community!


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